the treated effluent required further treatment to meet
the effluent standard before final discharge into any
surface water. Overall COD and TSS removal of over
90% was achieved as influent COD of 13,941 ± 359 mg/l
was reduced to less than 700 mg/l and influent TSS
of about 9130 ± 3067 mg/l was reduced to less than 600
mg/l. Overall CN removal of 51% was observed from the
system by reducing the concentration from 17.5 ± 1.5
mg/l in starch factory wastewater to 8.5 ± 0.7 mg/l in the
final effluent of series of anaerobic pond system.
Active biomass from the anaerobic pond sediments
and bulk liquid had SMA of 20.7 and 11.3 ml CH4/g
VSS d, respectively. Likewise cyanide degradability of
sludge obtained were 0.43–0.84 mg CN/g VSS d at
initial cyanide concentration of 10–20 mg/l, respectively.
Settling column test on wastewater from starch factory
revealed that settling time of approximately 120
min were sufficient to remove 90–95% of the influent