In addition, as Luang Prabang develops and grows, it generates increasing
volumes of waste. Fifteen tons of garbage are now collected daily, a substantial
increase over what was collected only a few years ago. The town’s waste
management infrastructure must be developed to keep up with this rapid growth.
Development and globalization are influencing and changing local cultures throughout
the world, and Luang Prabang is no exception. Like elsewhere, the yotmger generation
is the quickest to adopt new ways — in many cases inspired by western culture and
media. What is different for Luang Prabang is that it is a tourist destination that relies
on its existing, living culture more than most other destinations. This advantage
underlies the authonty’s efforts discussed above to focus on culture and tradition as the
key to educating and influencing local youth. These programs and policies, coupled
with the strong influence of family (parents and elders), community, and
Buddhism, provide strong role models for Lao culture. While stopping teenagers’
imitation or adoption of westem culture through dress, make up, and behavior is
not realistic, the youth in Luang Prabang are more conscious and aware of the
desire and effects of copying westem culture.
Issues Associated with Under-Development