Why Mind Mapping Works
Mind mapping brings together our left-brain
(words, logic, numbers, etc.) and right-brain skills
(curves, color, rhythm, images, etc.) making our
brain’s performance more synergetic. This means
each cortical skill enhances the performance of
other areas so the brain is working at its optimum.
Let’s look at two important reasons why mind
maps are so effective as creativity- and productivityenhancing
• Radiant thinking.6
In a mind map, information
is structured in a way that mirrors exactly how
the brain functions—in a radiant rather than
linear manner. A mind map literally “maps” out
our thoughts, using associations, connections,
and triggers to stimulate further ideas. Research
shows that the brain likes to work on the basis of
association and it will connect every idea, memory,
or piece of information to tens, hundreds,
and even thousands of other ideas and concepts.
• Memory.6
The mind-mapping process involves
a unique combination of imagery, color, and
visual-spatial arrangement that is proven to
increase recall significantly when compared to
www.asq.org/pub/jqp 3
conventional methods of note taking and learning
by rote. A study by Farrand, Hussain, and
found that mind mapping improved
the long-term memory of factual information in
medical students by 10 percent. They reported
that “mind maps provide an effective study technique
when applied to written material” and are
likely to “encourage a deeper level of processing”
for better memory formation.
Additionally, there is evidence that mind mapping
helps in group collaboration, problem solving,
and communication.