Dear Khun Tiyanan & Mr. Ohashi
Refer to I got inform from Ii san about S&P have some difficulty about change process of invoice to VAT 0%
Then I would like to know which conditions make you uncomfortable to change it right now.
Based on our reference legal section which I attached in this email is very clear and you can do it with legally
document so I can’t find any risk for S&P about purchasing process. But you necessary explain the reason to Revenue Dept.
For Sagami side, we have the right permission to do not pay VAT 7% as previously due to under Free Zone legal we can
get VAT0% for bring our product to use service in Thailand entity . In the past is our case study because we didn’t check
in detail of FZ condition then we paid big amount of VAT7% and right now we still can’t claim back from Revenue Dept. yet.
Please see below. Sagami pay VAT7% of S&P‘ s invoice to Revenue Dept. and waiting for claim.