Name: Prangmas Preechaona ID:59110359 (Maprang)
1. Consider what’s important.
• Getting Organized – (What do you think you need to do get organized?)
-I think practice more and have a lot experience are Important like have knowledge to succeed in your life.
Think types of things you will need to do at university, however small (and unimportant they might seem). (List all the thing that you think need to be considered)
• For each:
Indicate whether you think it will likely be done once only (i.e. one-off tasks).
-Some activities are important.(low)
Indicate whether you think it will likely need to be done often (i.e. recurring tasks).
-Practice to speaking skill, reading skill and use your knowledge to answers the question in class.(high)
Indicate whether you think it will likely demand (require) a lot of your time.
- Practice more and study hard , Do homework by yourself.(high)
Indicate whether you think it will likely need a lot of thought.
-Presentation and answer the question in class . (high)
• Task Priorities and Dependencies between Tasks – In consideration of all the task you have listed:
Rank each task – (by indicating ‘high’ or ‘low’ priority) based on how important the task seems to you?)
-Time to practice is high
- Social time is low
Identifying Dependencies – Indicate the order you think each task should be done.
-Prepare and practice for exam or homework.However should prepare for next lesson.
• Good Time Management.
o Social time – List things you think you need to consider to fit with you academic commitments?
-Some Social can help to find other information. So use social for research.
o Academic time
• Inside university – How much time do you think are you likely (typically) to spend there?
-6 hours/day.
• Outside university – How much time do you think are you likely (typically) to spend there?
-About 3-4 hours/day
Preparation for exams.
o What do you need to consider? (e.g. How many exams; Are the subject hard?)
- I need to consider the most difficult subject. I think IT is very hard for me.
How much time is there before each exam for prep.
-About 1 months for prepare.
o Where can you prepare.
-My room or university’s library .
o How much time will each subject require for preparation.
-Every subject is very hard for me .After I finished my housework, I review them reading more and practice.
What do you think are your strengths and weaknesses.
- My strength is I love to summarize after I study but my weakness is bad to memorize.
o What do you think are the risks to your preparation time.
-I want to spend time with my mom and travel around the city together.
1. Ethics:
• Using Judgement – Find a definition for ‘judgement’.
- I want to judement anything by myself.
• Common Sense – Find a definition for ‘common sense’.
-I think it’s instinct. Everyone has know.
Knowledge – Why do you think I am mentioning this under Ethics?
-If you do something under Ethics, you can succeed.
Experience – Why do you think I am mentioning this under Ethics?
- I think everyone can learn many ethics from experience and the ethics can bring best thing for me.
• Reasoning: – Why do you think I am mentioning this under Ethics?
- I will have conscious ,While I have Ethics.
o Logos
o Pathos
2. Academic Challenges
• Setting targets / goals
o List some targets / goals you consider important for academic challenges.
- Understanding can do anything well.
o Why do you think some students may find it difficult to cope in university?
- Don’t have teacher to control my schedule. Don’t something to force about law.
• Achievement of objectives: Some notes that you may wish to make comments on.
• Promote Ethical Behaviour
o Becoming more knowledgeable through reading. (Consider what to read.)
- Internet website have many information for find the answer.
o Taking a pride in doing well. (Consider what this really means.)
- Keep doing the best things.
o Valuing learning and your time at university. (What ways can you show you value your time.)
- On the time when I have a class.
o Developing an appreciation for achievement gained through ethical behaviour during study. (How do you think you can do this?)
-If I think I can do,I will do that.
o Other. (Do you have any other points that may be relevant, and insightful?)
- No
• Maintaining ethical behaviour. (How can you do this?) – e.g. Develop confidence in you own learning skills, rather than – potentially unjustified – confidence in the perceived skills and knowledge of others. What are the threats to this?
- Think positive and believe to myself.
• Social
-Some social bring bad information and threat.
• Bad time management