•Y'all (South and Texas) - a shorthand way to say "you all." Do y'all want to go?
•Fixin' to (South and Texas) - a quick way to say "about to." I'm fixin' to go. Are you ready too?
•Wicked (New England) - it translates as "really." These lobsters are wicked good.
•Clothes tree (Northeast) - a piece of furniture with extended arms that stands against the wall for hanging clothes.
•Hella (Northern California) - a very casual slang word used as an adjective to describe something that is really good. The waves are hella good, so it is a great day to surf.
•Bubbler (Eastern Wisconsin, eastern Massachusetts and Rhode Island) - identifies a public drinking fountain. It was so hot after my walk that I looked for a bubbler in the park.
•Pank (Michigan's Upper Peninsula) - another way to say compress or push down. I had to pank down the garbage so that I could get more into the can.
•Bufflehead (Pennsylvania) - slang for idiot. The guy was a real bufflehead.
•Whoopensocker (Wisconsin) - a shorthand way to describe something that is really terrific. This multi-level burger is a real whoopensocker.
•Punee (Hawaii) - a small couch or day bed.
Read more at http://grammar.yourdictionary.com/slang/american-slang-dictionary.html#0MtShw4MIUffDr4O.99