Sweat rate
Participants were weighed on a balance beam scale (Detecto, Inc., Webb City, MO) prior to exercise, in dry, lightweight clothing or a hospital gown, before and after urinating to account for urinary water loss, and after exercise. Post-exercise weight was determined after participants towel-dried to remove as much sweat as possible and changed into dry, lightweight clothing or a hospital gown. Fluid intake was monitored throughout each test, ensuring that participants consumed all of the water provided. The calculation used for sweat loss was as follows: Sweat Loss (mL) = ((Initial body weight (g) – Final body weight (g)) + Fluid intake (g) – Urinary water excretion (g). While this approach for measuring sweat rate did not account for respiratory water losses, respiratory water losses would likely have been similar between trials, as it depends on ventilation rate and ambient air humidity, which were similar in both study conditions.