1. Can you check my homework?
A: Would you mind checking my homework?
B: No problem. I’ll check it after dinner.
2. Could you pick me up at 10:30 a.m.?
A: at 10:30 a.m.?
B: Not at all. at any time you want me to.
3. Would you give me a ride to my doctor’s appointment?
A: me a ride to my doctor’s appointment?
B: No problem. you a ride in my new car!
4. Would you tell Josh that the meeting is tomorrow?
A: Josh that the meeting is tomorrow?
B: No, I don’t mind. him when I see him at lunch.
5. Could you water the plant in my office while I'm out next week?
A: my plant while I'm out next week?
B: No problem. it. How often should I do it?