“Industry Device” [also known as line of business device] means any device that: [1] is not useable in its deployed configuration as a general purpose personal computing device [e.g., personal computer], a multi-function sever, or a commercially viable substitute for one of these system; and [2] only employs an industry or task-specific software program [e.g., a computer-aided design program used by an architect or a point of sale program] [“Industry Program”]. The device may include features and function derived from Microsoft software or third-party software. If the device performs desktop function [e.g., email, word processing, spreadsheets, database, network or Internet browsing, or scheduling, or personal finance], then the desktop function: [1] may only be used for the purpose of supporting the industry program functionality; and [2] muse be technically integrated with the industry Program or employ technically enforced policies or architecture to operate only when used with the Industry Program functionality.