Tablets, acetaminophen (paracetamol) 2,000–4,000 mg
per day, were allowed as rescue medication in patients of
all groups. Patients were instructed to withhold rescue
medication 24 h prior to clinical examination of knee joint
at each clinic visit. The use of other drugs from NSAID
group and narcotic analgesics were not permitted. The
assessment of compliance to medications was carried out
by directing study patients to record number of times study
medications taken on a calendar given to each patient. This
secondary outcome measure was assessed by recording
number of acetaminophen (paracetamol) tablets used as
rescue medication by each patient and was entered in Case
Report Form (CRF) at each clinic visit. The total number of
rescue medications consumed was then calculated for each
individual group. The acceptability of test medications
by study patients wherever available was recorded at the
end of study period and graded as 0–3 (0 = Not acceptable,
and 1–3 as acceptable—1 = good, 2 = better, and
3 = best).