For exposures involving the skin, the larger the area of skin exposed and the longer the time of contact, the more
important it is to verify that all the relevant skin area is intact.
To comply with occupational health and safety legislation, all exposure incidents must be recorded, and followed up. For
sharps injuries, the required post-injury counselling may be undertaken by a designated medical practitioner or infection
control practitioner. Services such as sharps injury telephone hotlines may also be of value.
Follow-up tests must be offered after a significant exposure incident, and blood samples for testing are obtained from
the source (i.e. the patient) wherever practicable. These tests include HBV, HCV and HIV. Where the source is positive,
follow-up tests will need to be repeated at intervals for the injured person, to assess the status of seroconversion. Postexposure
prophylaxis may be available from public hospitals. This process would normally be overseen by specialists in
infectious diseases.
For further information see