Pros and Cons of Wild Animals As Pets
Many people find the idea of wild animals as pet as exotic and exciting. However, if you want a wild animal as a pet, you should thorough understanding of the animal and its behavior and needs. The people who have these animals as pets always trained to deal with them, but they will also tell you how unpredictable these animals can be. You may have read stories in the newspaper of zookeeper mauled by their wards.
Thus, quite a sensitive and controversial topic with wild animals as pets. Some people like to highlight the pros, while others just point out the disadvantages. However, both should be weighed equally and only then make a decision to keep a wild animal as a pet.
Here are some pros and cons of wildlife as pets. Sometimes, conventional pets like dogs and cats can not be kept due to lack of space. Under such circumstances, you can keep a wildlife like a hedgehog or gecko as a pet, since they do not require as much space. Some wild animals have their own advantages. Like a hedgehog can be used to keep insects and other pests at bay are in a house.
Often it has been seen purchasing a wild animal can be cheaper than buying a pet, which is popular and a family tree.
Also, many proponents of wild animals feel that some species have a better chance of survival if they are accepted. It has been shown that the dart frog is facing a problem in the wilderness shrinks as its natural habitat. Therefore, if this animal is adopted, it will be a better chance of survival.
However, there are plenty of disadvantages and disadvantages of keeping wild animals as pets. First of all, one must consider the welfare of the animal. With a wildlife means giving due consideration to their diet, exercise and social interaction. Often the animal is no interaction with other animals of their own species and leads a solitary life and be left alone. In addition, the owners are not equipped to provide proper care for the animals because they might not be well versed in these things. Many wild animals look cute and cuddly when they are small. But as they reach adulthood or sexual maturity, their wild side takes over and the animal is aggressive. This is the time many owners abandon their animals or give them away to zoos.
Wild animals are carriers of many diseases that are fatal to humans. For example, reptiles and amphibians are carriers of salmonella infection and each year thousands of people in the U.S. contract this disease due to their pets. Even rats are imported from Africa to known carriers of monkey pox. An outbreak of this disease occurred in the U.S. in 2003 when The Gambia rats brought in the monkey pox into the country.
In particular, demand for wildlife as pet is. So many illegal traders are taking advantage of this demand. Most of the wild animals are captured and then transported in cruel and inhuman manner to reach their owners. In addition, the majority of owners do not know to take care of the animals and this causes them to get sick or even die.
So, weigh the pros and cons of having wild animals as pets before jumping to adopt. Make sure that you are properly equipped to handle the care of the animal. You do not have a business if you have any doubts