Abstract—Due to the high bandwidth requirements and stringent
delay constraints of multi-user wireless video transmission
applications, ensuring that all video senders have sufficient
transmission opportunities to use before their delay deadlines
expire is a longstanding research problem. We propose a novel
solution that addresses this problem without assuming detailed
packet-level knowledge, which is unavailable at resource allocation
time (i.e. prior to the actual compression and transmission).
Instead, we translate the transmission delay deadlines
of each sender’s video packets into a monotonically-decreasing
weight distribution within the considered time horizon. Higher
weights are assigned to the slots that have higher probability
for deadline-abiding delivery. Given the sets of weights of the
senders’ video streams, we propose the low-complexity DelayAware
Resource Allocation (DARA) approach to compute the
optimal slot allocation policy that maximizes the deadline-abiding
delivery of all senders. A unique characteristic of the DARA
approach is that it yields a non-stationary slot allocation policy
that depends on the allocation of previous slots. This is in
contrast with all existing slot allocation policies such as roundrobin
or rate-adaptive round-robin policies, which are stationary
because the allocation of the current slot does not depend on the
allocation of previous slots. We prove that the DARA approach is
optimal for weight distributions that are exponentially decreasing
in time. We further implement our framework for real-time
video streaming in wireless personal area networks that are
gaining significant traction within the new Internet-of-Things
(IoT) paradigm. For multiple surveillance videos encoded with
H.264/AVC and streamed via the 6tisch framework that simulates
the IoT-oriented IEEE 802.15.4e TSCH medium access control,
our solution is shown to be the only one that ensures all video
bitstreams are delivered with acceptable quality in a deadlineabiding