The ozone generator uses the high voltage for generating the ozone gas. So this paper proposed the testing of dielectric insulator to protect the high voltage phenomena and fine the efficient of each insulator. The
insulator that is selected is the best insulator for designing the ozone generator. There are two procedures that is given for generating ozone gas in this paper. First the aim of high voltage generation and second is the insulator testing. The three types of insulator named solid, liquid and gas are selected to be the dielectric. The shape of ozone tube is also designed in the world wide standard.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presents the design process of insulator testing set. The dielectric losses are measured by using C-tanδmeter Tettex AG 2805 by Haefely Trench Laboratory. The basic equations are also given in this section. Section 3 presents the simulation results by using FEMLAB program. The experiment results are shown in Section 4. Finally Section 5 is given the discussion and conclusion