Section 314 - Technical and Conforming Amendments
This section contains technical and conforming amendments to the FECA statute in title 5 of the United States Code.
Section 315 – Regulations
This section requires the Labor Department to issue regulations to carry out this title of the legislation.
Title IV: Other Matters
Section 401 – Profitability Plan
This section requires the Postal Service to submit to Congress within 90 days of enactment a plan detailing how it will become profitable by fiscal year 2015 and achieve long-term financial solvency. The plan must take into consideration the Postal Service‘s current legal authorities, the authorities given to it under this bill, cost savings that will be achieved through negotiations with employees of the Postal Service, and projected changes in mail volume. The plan must also be updated each quarter until the last quarter of fiscal year 2015.
Section 402 – Postal Rates
This section requires the PRC, not earlier than two years after enactment, to commence a study regarding: (1) the extent to which any market-dominant classes, products, or types of mail services do not bear their attributable costs; and (2) the impact of any excess mail processing, transportation, or delivery capacity of the Postal Service on the costs attributable to any class that bears less than 100 percent of the costs attributable to such classes, products, or types of mail service. The PRC must also hold a public hearing before completing the study. At the conclusion of this study, for certain classes deemed by the PRC to recover less than 90 percent of costs, the Postmaster General may increase rates for such classes by no more than 2 percent a year above the current allowable rate increase until such time as the class is covering 90 percent of its costs.
Section 403 – Cooperation with State and Local Governments
This section allows the Postal Service to work with state and local governments to provide government services (such as fishing licenses or tax forms) in post offices in the same way as it currently does with services provided on behalf of federal agencies (such as passports).
Section 404 – Shipping of Wine and Beer
This section amends Title 18 of the U.S. Code and would allow the Postal Service to ship wine and beer (which private carriers such as FedEx and UPS already do), sent by a licensed winery or brewery in accordance with the laws of the state to which the items are addressed and received.
Section 314 - Technical and Conforming AmendmentsThis section contains technical and conforming amendments to the FECA statute in title 5 of the United States Code.Section 315 – RegulationsThis section requires the Labor Department to issue regulations to carry out this title of the legislation.Title IV: Other MattersSection 401 – Profitability PlanThis section requires the Postal Service to submit to Congress within 90 days of enactment a plan detailing how it will become profitable by fiscal year 2015 and achieve long-term financial solvency. The plan must take into consideration the Postal Service‘s current legal authorities, the authorities given to it under this bill, cost savings that will be achieved through negotiations with employees of the Postal Service, and projected changes in mail volume. The plan must also be updated each quarter until the last quarter of fiscal year 2015.Section 402 – Postal RatesThis section requires the PRC, not earlier than two years after enactment, to commence a study regarding: (1) the extent to which any market-dominant classes, products, or types of mail services do not bear their attributable costs; and (2) the impact of any excess mail processing, transportation, or delivery capacity of the Postal Service on the costs attributable to any class that bears less than 100 percent of the costs attributable to such classes, products, or types of mail service. The PRC must also hold a public hearing before completing the study. At the conclusion of this study, for certain classes deemed by the PRC to recover less than 90 percent of costs, the Postmaster General may increase rates for such classes by no more than 2 percent a year above the current allowable rate increase until such time as the class is covering 90 percent of its costs.Section 403 – Cooperation with State and Local GovernmentsThis section allows the Postal Service to work with state and local governments to provide government services (such as fishing licenses or tax forms) in post offices in the same way as it currently does with services provided on behalf of federal agencies (such as passports).Section 404 – Shipping of Wine and BeerThis section amends Title 18 of the U.S. Code and would allow the Postal Service to ship wine and beer (which private carriers such as FedEx and UPS already do), sent by a licensed winery or brewery in accordance with the laws of the state to which the items are addressed and received.
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