if there is already another file of the same name on the search path, the file you want to run is considered shadowed. you might need to perform some action so that MATLAB runs the file you want-for more information, see "How the Search Path Determines Which Function to Use" on page 5-24
The search path is also referred to as the MATLAB path. Directories included are considered to be on the path. When you include a directory in the search path, you add it it the path. when you include a directory in the search path, you add it to the path Subdirectories must be explicitly added to the path; they are not on the path just because their parent directories are adding directories to the path is similar to performing an include or import in some other applications.
for instructions to view the search path and add directories to it, see "viewing and setting the search path" on page 5-26 including "caution Against saving Files in matlabroot/toolbox" on page 5-31.