New Divide" has all the requirements of a music theme to a big summer blockbuster: Large, expansive verses? Check. Moral conflict in choruses that's resolved by end of song? Check. Some macho mention of love? Check.
The tune begins as virtually all Linkin Park songs do: with Chester Bennington's great, open vocals front and center with the music low in the mix, then, with a drum blast, the music soars and the tension builds. Hey, it works well for them time and time again.
Befitting the "Transformers" robotic theme, there's a cool, industrial, metal-sounding bridge that fits the movie perfectly and still works well with Linkin Park's metal edge. Note, however, this is all rock, no rap... we'll see if it signals a slightly new direction for the band.
Bennington wants to believe that "Love is big enough to reach the truth that lies across this new divide," and by the end of the song, the band has done everything within its power to convince us they're right.