Sandifer et al. (1993) and Hopkins et al. (1993) stated that L. setiferus might be an
alternative species for intensive culture on the Atlantic coast of the Americas. This
agrees not only with commercial interests, but also with the ecological interest in the
development of an aquaculture based on local species. The present lack of knowledge of
seed production and lower growth rate found in L. setiferus as compare with other
shrimps are some of the limiting factors in the commercial culture of this species. Low
growth reported by Samocha et al. (1998) when studied the feasibility of culture L.
setiferus as bait in Texas, USA, could be related with the improper diet used and
inadequate pond management. Studies focused on better diet combinations for postlarvae,
based on biochemical and physiological methods, will help improve the culture
of L. setiferus.