The Lao people are living like Thai, both residential, climate and many other things. Therefore, the career is similar to the Thai people as well. Most Lao people there will be a main occupation is 3 career, including agriculture, industrial. if talking about career the important. And a career for the Lao people from the past to the present, is agriculture. By agriculture of Laos will look like in the north and northeast.
The paddy rice, vegetables, made smoke, animal husbandry, fishery and many more, but the most important career and attached with people of Laos. Is fishing.Vietnamese, Laotian, until the people we are the Mekong River, which is the lower Mekong basin is one of the most abundant each fish than 1300 varieties. But the knowledge about the biology, life cycle, the evacuation.Fishing in the river is a source for the millions. Is a food source for the largest animal protein sources in some areas.And the economic base of the community many of, the local The flood plains and estuary area is rice. The inland for a. Living and sold in the markets of, the community we will see that there are linked fishery environment and season. Flow down of the Mekong River. May be called the culture of indigenous people as well as. And in the industry of important Lao people, including mining industry industry producing electric power water. And the clothing industry, soft machine cover package. As we can see from the growth of the economy of Laos.There are a lot of export And revenue for the people in Laos as much.And the last service. At present, Laos has started to travel and more. There are tourist attractions. The attractions of Laos is the tourist lunch in religion.There is a good atmosphere, successfully for relaxation. Consequently there are tourists from other countries, tourism on it. And revenue for the Laos is a lot of money. The Laos people offers professional service after the industry and fishery itself.