Director Wang Shuixin?
Zhang Ye’s “This is also Everything” had previously also offended him, so he knew that he was not a magnanimous person.
Xiao Lu came into the office following that, in high spirits. Seeing Zhang Ye, she laughed, “Teacher Zhang, why aren’t you feeding the horses, splitting logs and traveling the world? I thought you wouldn’t come to work today and will be facing the sea, watching the flowers bloom in spring warmth.”
Hou Ge also recalled and gave a big thumbs up, “Yesterday, that poem on Weibo was amazing. Did you not see what happened on the web later? It was spread like mad!”
Xiao Lu laughed, “My own tagline has changed to the name of your poem. I wish only to face the sea, where flowers bloom in spring warmth? What grows on your brain? How can everything you write be so deep?”
Zhang Ye chuckled, “My brain doesn’t have anything growing. But at least there’s something underneath my feet.”