Due to the paucity of research examining mental models,
new scales were developed to measure mental model
confirmation and mental model building. The items were
developed by drawing on descriptions of each construct
from the literature on mental models and learning (Huber,
1991; March, 1991; Markman and Gentner, 2001; Norman,
1982; Vandenbosch and Higgins, 1995). As noted above,
three academics and four SBU managers reviewed the
items for clarity and consistency, with only minor changes
to the items from this process. The 7-item scale is shown in
Table 3, Panel A. Three items relate to mental model confirmation
and address the way in which a manager’s mental
model of his/her business unit is confirmed and maintained
(MM1–MM3). Four items relate to mental model building
and address the way in which a manager’s mental
model of his/her business unit is questioned and developed
(MM4–MM7). Respondents were asked to indicate on
a 7-point Likert scale (1 = strongly disagree to 7 = strongly
agree) the extent to which they agreed or disagreed with
each statement.