The novelty of this developed system lies in the management
of natural forces for maximum benefits. The developed system
operates using low discharge small pump unit. This pump operated
using electricity generated from small scale solar power. The
low discharge further elevated to the temporary water storage to
provide optimum pressure for irrigation system. The introduction
of elevated water storage provision in this system is novel in the
sense that it enables the system to respond to the extreme of less
power low discharge conditions which otherwise is not possible
with the existing conventional irrigation system. Another novelty
lies in designing the irrigation system such that the water applied
from the system is equated to the inflow to the storage tank.
This helped in providing constant hydraulic pressure that invariably
increased the overall system performance. Provision of star
configured micro-tube irrigation system was another novel idea
implemented in this invention which reduced the overall material
cost of irrigation system as compared to conventional drip
based micro-irrigation system. The conventional drip based irrigation
system employs dripper connected to the laterals and thus one
lateral pipe is required for every row of crop. The present system
with star configured micro-tube enables the lateral to commands
two rows crop and thus reduces the requirement of lateral pipe up
to 50%. Thus the above mentioned facts establishes the novelty of
the present development of solar power operated micro-irrigation
system to address the issue of water use efficiency coupled with
energy in agriculture and environment.