There seems to be some confusion on service hours and how they are verified so let me explain. Service hours are printed on a quarterly basis. They are then taken to the teachers for verification of the hard copy. Once these hours are printed they do not get printed again so it is imperative that service hours get entered in a timely manner so you get credit for them. Once approved they are put into the accounting system where you were billed the entire amount for the service hours your family was required to do for the school year. When you are looking to see where they are verified you do this by looking at the family information tab inside your renweb. To the far right of the family information tab you will see your billing information. Service hours are billed inside the activities/accessories section. The amount shown for the service hours are what is left after we have credited you with the hours complete at $10 per hour. Please make sure to enter service hours as soon as possible when you remember dates so that the hours will be approved as requested. Also, please make sure that the verified by box is filled in with a Faculty members name who you did the service with or for. If you do not put a verified by, there is no one to approve these hours and therefore you risk not getting credit. Let me know what other questions you may have. Thank you,