How many times and how many ways must I say it. I AM SORRY! I made a mistake. I want us to joke with each other. It's a good thing. This has gone on long enough. I told you that all was ok. But you insist upon being upset and I don't understand. Why is it so important for you to be angry. I was no longer upset the moment that you said that it was a joke. I was glad that it was a joke. I told you that. Is there a part if this that you have not understood? I'm sorry, I have become upset with this continued discussion. It makes no sense to me and I find it quite frustrating. I cannot stay up just to argue about something so very small. It was simply a misunderstanding. I was relieved to know that. I have said this so many times. So what have I missed? What have i done to warrant such anger from you? When you say that you are sorry for something that has occurred, do you want me to respond as you have tonight? Is that how I should react to your apology? Mickey, this has gotten out of hand tonight and I cannot understand why. Unlike our last understanding, just a week ago, I am not going to spend the next week begging you to understand. I have explained so many times this evening. For a few minutes there, I thought that I had a chance of going to bed happy. I guess it was not meant to be tonight. I'm not going to write until I hear from you. But, I am not saying another word about this. I have apologized. You have refused to accept that. Good night.