In the year 1901 the Gillette Company is founded in Boston, Massachusetts.
1904 King C Gillette receives the US patent for razor with replaceable blade.
1905 is the first successful year for the company, because Gillette sold 90.000 razors and 12 million blades. After the year 1907 Gillette Blades will be to have in Germany.
In the year 1967 the BROWN GmbH, an important manufacturer of drying electric shavers and electrical small devices, will be part of the Gillette Company.
1984 Gillette takes another big partner in to the company. “ORAL B”, the company of toothbrushes and mouth care.
In the year 1996 Gillette takes over “DURACELL”, the company of big batteries.
1998 is a great year for Gillette. Gillette has created a new shaving system: the Gillette MACH3- Shaving-System.
2001, Gillette has got its 100.Birthday. The Company exists now 100 years and has made in this 100 years a huge success.
In the year 2004/2005 there are some phrases about a big merger with another big company.