Basing use rights on a distinction between local fishers
and fishers from outside requires defining ‘local fisher’. To
determine this, survey should be conducted in each of
the seven communities to identify full-time, part-time,
and sport fishers. To determine which of these fishers is
local, the criterion may then be the testimony of three
other local, non-relative fishers. Another criterion may be
birth, or a minimum of 10 years of residence in one of
the seven communities, or marriage to a local person in
the past 5 years. Of course, the specifics of the design must be defined by the Forum; the above are only
Basing use rights on a distinction between local fishersand fishers from outside requires defining ‘local fisher’. Todetermine this, survey should be conducted in each ofthe seven communities to identify full-time, part-time,and sport fishers. To determine which of these fishers islocal, the criterion may then be the testimony of threeother local, non-relative fishers. Another criterion may bebirth, or a minimum of 10 years of residence in one ofthe seven communities, or marriage to a local person inthe past 5 years. Of course, the specifics of the design must be defined by the Forum; the above are onlysuggestions.
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