October 2011: The IAESB received a paper that requested the Board’s advice on: (1) the appropriateness of names of clusters and their related knowledge areas; (2) the appropriateness of assumptions and principles in developing competence requirements and the detail at which the competences and taxonomy should be presented; and (3) the wording of the Requirements and the coverage of the Explanatory Materiel sections. As a result of the IAESB discussion the Board instructed the task force to develop a 1st draft for discussion at the next meeting.
May 2011: The IAESB received an Issues paper that presented the Standards proposed requirements including, the areas of knowledge for professional accounting education and a proposed clustering of these areas. As a result of the IAESBs discussion the Board instructed the task force to develop a proposed requirement that includes a presentation of competences to be associated with the specified knowledge areas for professional accounting education for discussion at the next meeting.
March 2011: The IAESB received a more detailed presentation of the areas of knowledge for professional accounting education with the aim of developing 1st draft of IES 2. The IAESB instructed the task force develop a fuller presentation of the depth and breadth of competences that are required for professional accounting education before developing the 1st draft of IES 2.
November 2010: The IAESB discussed content issues with the aim of developing 1st draft of IES 2. The IAESB supported the initiative to use the proposed taxonomy of verbs to develop a learning outcome approach rather than listing subject/topic areas subject to a more complete presentation of areas of competence as well as the breadth and depth of the proposed taxonomy.
May 2010: The IAESB reviewed findings from the targeted consultations and discussed the implications of the findings on the revision of the Standards' content.
February 2010: The IAESB identified key issues and questions for targeted consultation on the revision
of IESs 1-5.
October 2009: The IAESB considered the project proposal and agreed a project direction for revising the eight International Education Standards.
June 2009: The IAESB identified key issues that should be covered in the project's proposal.