New Year is celebrated from 1 to 7 January called "Matsuda Nagano Uchi“, each family will be cleaned at the end of the year, both inside and outside the home. To clean house Preparation includes the popular New Year include mochi are put in the soup Soni and the New Year is called "Oops Seiji slender creeks" and is regarded as the most important day of. Japanese People attending the event will bring together different types and pray for good fortune over the course of the years to come. People flock to shrines and temples to pray for a healthy and happy year. This is called hatsu-mode and is one of the most important rituals of the year. When we greet our acquaintances, moreover, we say "Akemashite omedeto gozaimasu" (a happy new year) to convey our wishes that the year to come will be full of hope and good health.