My love,
Sorry for the late reply, I should have written to you immediately i arrived in Africa. I did not have Internet initially but now i have access to Internet. Thank you for your mail and all you said is welcomed. I am happy that we have come this far in such a short time. Every day that i read your mail, i feel closer to you and i learn more about you. Thank you for your heart felt words to me, i really felt very happy when i read your mail. We are making so much progress in such a short time and we have built a strong bond together. Thank you again for giving me that wonderful smile that always make my day. Yes , i will always look at your pictures when ever i feel lonely because i have already stored many of it in my phone. How is your family? with hope that you are catching enough fun. Honey, do not bother yourself over the language barrier, i promised to teach you my language when we finally meet each other and i hope it will be soon.
Now I want to tell you that we have safely arrived in West Africa (Senegal). This is my first time in Africa. It is a lovely place and better than people actually think hahahaha. The people here are very friendly although this is a French speaking country and I do not understand their language. The Government has assigned someone to help me translate the words. I am in the capital of the country called Dakar.
This is the phone number that I will be using here +221771363759. I will be very happy and pleased to hear your sweet voice on the phone. Please do not hesitate to call me at any time. Their network connection here is not too good but I can write you mails. .
The government provided me with a house, feeding and transportation arrangements. I do not like these arrangements because of the quality of housing and food they provided. There was not even an Internet Connection. I have moved to a good hotel here and this means i have to live on my own expenses. I do not mind that i have to pay the hotel bills and feeding, it is better for me this way so i can be healthy.
I had a safe fight. I thought of you all through my flight. I was so happy. This is the most happy time of my life for a very long time now. Honey, attached herewith is picture i took at the office of the minister here in Senegal when i was finalizing and signing the remaining documents and i hope you will like it
I look forward to hearing from you soon my love. I dream of you every day. I hope we can chat soon and we can talk on phone soon.
I am always here for you
M. Jones