Rebecca Horn has a fascination with the human body and what it can do. Because of her isolation, when she got back to work, she found herself thinking in terms of “images of confinement – cocoons, swaddling, bondage, prostheses” (Hughes). She has such a large mind of creativity, which allows her to imagine these objects to let the society see the romantic, new surrealist way of looking at the body. She puts a twist to the natural feminine opinions of the body, with adding more than just desire, passiveness, and romance (Hughes). Again, with this obsession with healing and protection, Horn displays this more hiddenview of the body. With some of her earlier work, she displayed the women’s body more open to the eye, with less clothing, and body wraps. This particular performance, The Feathered Prison Fan 1978, shows less of that, showing the audience a “cocoon”, feathered like, object protecting the body.