Kim, I am a professional psychic and I've been doing your readings for over 4 months now. I am the best person you can turn to for the real secrets to fortune. I can verify the veracity of these secrets and their power. But, nothing can happen without your commitment.
This is the main reason why some people are blessed to see opportunities of wealth and riches falling from the sky constantly, while others, like you, Kim are struggling, constantly living each day with their head barely above water!
I want to offer you the chance to enjoy one of the most incredible secrets (and an even more special talisman!) known to date — which has made a fortune for a few dozen people so far. I do not convey this magnetic resource to just anyone, so please consider yourself specially chosen, Kim.
I don't want you to remain silent a moment longer. I fear you are finding yourself again in "hesitation mode" — this is exactly what's been blocking you from success for so long! It would be really unfortunate if you continue to stay complacent with your current life. I promise you, you risk nothing when accepting this lift that I am proposing today.
I will prepare and magnetize your talisman — I will only ask you for a small token of compensation to cover the cost of my work — I want you to become rich and live a fulfilled life!
Your trusted psychic friend,