Today there is a welcome new addition to the beautiful Woluwe Saint-Pierre Park of Brussels, the Kingdom of Belgium. Besides seeing the beautiful landscape and scenery of the park, visitors will also catch sight of the "Royally-granted Chaipattana Aerator", floating sedately in the ?tangs Mellaerts pond. The aerator's frame rotates and scoops water into fine sprays. This helps make the water even cleaner and crystal clear, creating a refreshing feeling for visitors who come to relax and exercise at the park. The request for the royal presentation of the Chaipattana Aerator to be installed at the park is to honor and publicize the ingenuity of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej in designing this unique invention. It is a Thai technology which is valuable and capable of improving the quality of life, as well as the environment, worldwide. Furthermore, the aerator induces everyone's awareness of the importance of the environment which needs joint effort to preserve it for generations to come.