The competition is open to young designers that adopt and
recognize in fashion a language able to visually embrace
the essence of the contemporary world (music, visual arts,
humanistic culture, technical/scientific culture, craft and
industrial technologies, experimentation and tradition).
Candidates are required to submit:
• Short description (max 200 words) of the concept of the
project highlighting reasons supporting their choices
• Sketches and/or inspiration images
• Picture of the realized outfit/accessory
• Notes about the realization (i.e. sewn/made by the
applicant, sewn/made by someone else, list of materials
and techniques)
• Personal portfolio of works and projects/personal
collection: (maximum 15 candidate’s best fashion design
• Detailed curriculum vitae
• Motivation statement
• Copy of Degree Certificate
• Academic Transcripts
• NABA Two-Year MA Programs Application Form –
Academic Year 2015*
Candidates are asked to send their materials in English or Italian
language and in two files in PDF format: one including competition
project and one including personal portfolio.
* Application fee is waived for competition participants
Projects will be evaluated and selected by the Faculty
of the Two-year MA in in Fashion and Textile Design.
The three best projects will be awarded a scholarship for
partial coverage of the tuition fee to attend the first year
of the MA in Fashion and Textile Design starting in
October 2015.
• 1st prize: n. 1 scholarship covering 60% of the tuition fee to
attend the first year of the MA Program
• 2nd prize: n. 1 scholarship covering 50% of the tuition fee
to attend the first year of the MA Program
• 3rd prize: n. 1 scholarship covering 40% of the tuition fee
to attend the first year of the MA Program