This study has shown that healthy breastfeeding term
infants often receive EBM and/or infant formula in hospital
in the first 24–48 h of life and that either or both
of these reduce the odds of an infant receiving any
breast milk at 6 months. Where possible, and in the
absence of any specific clinical or medical need,
mothers of healthy term infants should be encouraged
and supported to feed directly from the breast right
from the start. Where it is necessary to express to
provide the infant with breast milk in the immediate
postpartum period, information and support to expedite
a return to direct breastfeeding is important. We have
found that what happens in the first days of life does
affect breastfeeding at 6 months, and given this finding,
further research should explore the reasons that healthy
term infants receive EBM and/or infant formula in hospital
in greater depth.