The Cicada, having sung All summer, Found herself lacking When north wind came. Not one small piece Of fly or worm. She went screaming famine In the ant its neighbor, asking him to lend him the Some grain to survive Until the season nouvelle.Je pay you, she said, Before OUT, animal faith, Interest and principal. The Ant is not lending; That is its least defect. "What were you doing in hot weather?
She said to this borrower. - Night and day I sang to all comers, if you please. - Do you sing? I am glad. Well! dance now.
The Cicada, having sung All summer, Found herself lacking When north wind came. Not one small piece Of fly or worm. She went screaming famine In the ant its neighbor, asking him to lend him the Some grain to survive Until the season nouvelle.Je pay you, she said, Before OUT, animal faith, Interest and principal. The Ant is not lending; That is its least defect. "What were you doing in hot weather?She said to this borrower. - Night and day I sang to all comers, if you please. - Do you sing? I am glad. Well! dance now.
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