is found that the fastest payback period for condensate recovery
system is utilizing the water for cooling tower make up, which can
be less than a year.
Furthermore, severe drought along the southeast of U.S. in 2007
made a wake-up call for exploring alternative sources of water
which can be used in more efficient manner. Painter [4] explored
the feasibility of harvesting condensate from large dedicated outdoor
AHUs with enthalpy wheel energy recovery, which is used
to offset water consumption for water closets, urinals and cooling
tower. For the case study, building located in San Antonio is
determined to have an annual condensate production of 7.15 × 106 l
which is enough to completely replace water closets and urinals
water demand, while the excess of 6.12
106 l is used to supplement
landscape irrigation. In case that entire condensate collected
is applied for supplementing the cooling tower water needs, 16%
reduction in potable water consumption is estimated.
The water consumption in buildings and its relevance to society
is reflected in two present Standards: ASHRAE Standard 189.1-2009
– Standard for the Design of High Performance Green Buildings
Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings; and Standard 191P – Standard
for the Efficient Use of Water in Building, Site and Mechanical
Systems. Both standards address water efficiency usage, providing
requirements for water using systems and condensate collection.
The purpose of this study is twofold: first, to analyse, by means
of a standard coil selection software and heat pipe dehumidification
software, one such system related to energy saving potential due to
condensate energy recovery and second, water saving potential due
to condensate being directed to replenish cooling tower make-up
water requirements, both of which are applied in a hot and humid