Mobile media are compelling channels for digital marketers and advertisers due to their potential to support one-to-one, one-to-many and mass communication both cheaply and effectively.In addition, the reach of mobile marketing is large and growing . Access to mobile networks is available to 90% of the world’s population (ITU, 2010) and web-enabled mobile handsets now makeup 20% of the 3bn mobile devices worldwide, with market share heading towards 50% over the next three to five years (ComScore,2010). Global Industry Analysts Inc. has predicted that the world-wide mobile advertising market will reach $18.5 billion by 2015while the total global mobile applications market will be worth$25 billion (Marketandmarkets, 2010). Varnali and Toker (2010)suggest that ‘the mobile channel has morphed into an ultimate marketing vehicle’ (p.144), but they also acknowledge that research in mobile marketing is still in its early stages.