In general, no differences in feed intake or feed:gain ratio
were observed in male broilers fed with different diets
(Table 2). From 14 to 21 d of age, broilers fed the LE diet
grew faster than the broilers fed the control or EOE feeds
(68.8 vs. 63.9 and 61.6 g/d, respectively). In addition, from
28 to 35 d of age broilers fed the AB diet grew faster than
broilers fed the control diet. The last week of the trial,
no differences in BW, feed intake, or feed:gain ratio were
observed. Mortality was lower for birds fed the LE and
EOE diets than for birds fed the AB and control diets
for the entire growing periods (3.3 and 3.3 vs. 6.6 and
10%, respectively).