Specimens of hake (Merluccius merluccius; 96 individuals), megrim (L. whiffiagonis; 78 individuals) and angler (L. piscatorius; 78 individuals) were caught near the Galician Atlantic coast (North-Western Spain) in autumn of 2009 and kept in ice on-board. Upon arrival to the laboratory, the specimens of each species were analysed by triplicate on day one. The remaining specimens were divided into three batches and stored in different types of ice (C-800, C-400 and C-0 conditions) at a 1:1 fish-to-ice ratio. All batches were placed in a refrigerated room (4 C). The storage boxes employed allowed draining, and ice was renewed when required. Fish samples from different batches were collected for analysis on
days one, five, eight and 12; day 15 only was considered for hake. On day zero, six individuals of each fish species were analysed as initial samples (three groups of two individuals). For each fish species and icing condition, three different groups were analysed separately to achieve statistically significant results (n = 3).