Ediger and Akar [4] utilized both the ARIMA and seasonal ARIMA (SARIMA) models to estimate
the future primary energy demand of Turkey from 2005 to 2020. The ARIMA method was also
deployed by Abdel-Aal and Al-Garni [5] to forecast monthly domestic electric energy consumption in
the eastern province of Saudi Arabia and the optimum model in this case was the first ordered ARIMA
with a multiplicative combination of seasonal and non-seasonal autoregressive parts. Zhou, Ang and
Poh [6] improved the accuracy of electricity demand predictions by combining the traditional grey
model GM (1,1) with the trigonometric residual modification technique. Additionally, Cho, Hwang
and Chen [7] compared the results of the univariate ARIMA and the traditional regression models to
forecast the short-term load by considering weather-load relationships.