Later, it was performed an objective and careful reading of the 91 remaining articles. It was applied the test of relevance II, which considered the criteria of relevance and content consistency, in a way of confirming the material focused on definitions, at- tributes, antecedent events and/or consequences of frailty in the elderly. After this procedure, 60 articles were excluded and the final number of 31 studies remained for analysis.
For identification of scientific relevance from the studies involved in conceptual analysis, it was decided to check the level of evidence from analyzed studies, by using the following classifi- cation6: level one: evidence from meta-analysis of randomized and controlled clinical studies; level two: obtained in studies of experimental design; level three: evidence of quasi-experimental stud- ies, level four: evidence from descriptive studies or with qualitative approach; level five: evidence from cases reports or experience reports; and level six: evidence based on opinions from experts in the area.
After the material selection phase that formed the basis to the concept analysis, it was carried out a careful and objective reading of it. During that reading, some fragments of the text that referred to attributes, antecedents or conse- quences of frailty in the elderly were highlighted. After this procedure, all of the topics from articles found during the reading were typed, and then, through an inductive process, the possible at- tributes, antecedents and consequences of the concept were listed.