The Role of English in the world today
In the last years English plays more and bigger role as in the life word society as in the life of every person. Now the time when communication between people allows to find solution any problem from global to privet. First of all, the English is the main language of most international organization like the United nations, NATO,, European Free trade Association. Diplomats and politicians from different countries use this language to communicate with each other. Almost all international conferences and competitions are conducted in English. For example the Olympics and miss word contest. With opportunity to use Internet now very popularly became contact people from all over the world. Men and women and even children from different country can talk about their ideas and opinions in the Internet discussions, send e-mail, learn about their life and culture. Noun English –it is way to travel more easily, communicate with people wherever you go – ask direction, have a conversation or ask for help. If somebody would like to get access to knowledge, he need to now, that English is the most useful language in the world for this. Today media – such the Internet, television and the press – give you almost unlimited information about your favorite subjects. Most of this knowledge is in English. English –language magazines and newspapers can be bought in every part of the world. This language is the key to the world science. Most popular articles included a lot of useful information in the many fields of science were written in English. Today, when every country from the world overcomes consequences of economic crisis and has a problem with a big numbers of unemployment every person to push his career forward. That way it is impossible revalue importance English. Its knowledge can get your dream job in even any international company, earn more money and use your computer more effectively, (because most computer programs in English)
ที่บทบาทของอังกฤษในโลกทุกวันนี้In the last years English plays more and bigger role as in the life word society as in the life of every person. Now the time when communication between people allows to find solution any problem from global to privet. First of all, the English is the main language of most international organization like the United nations, NATO,, European Free trade Association. Diplomats and politicians from different countries use this language to communicate with each other. Almost all international conferences and competitions are conducted in English. For example the Olympics and miss word contest. With opportunity to use Internet now very popularly became contact people from all over the world. Men and women and even children from different country can talk about their ideas and opinions in the Internet discussions, send e-mail, learn about their life and culture. Noun English –it is way to travel more easily, communicate with people wherever you go – ask direction, have a conversation or ask for help. If somebody would like to get access to knowledge, he need to now, that English is the most useful language in the world for this. Today media – such the Internet, television and the press – give you almost unlimited information about your favorite subjects. Most of this knowledge is in English. English –language magazines and newspapers can be bought in every part of the world. This language is the key to the world science. Most popular articles included a lot of useful information in the many fields of science were written in English. Today, when every country from the world overcomes consequences of economic crisis and has a problem with a big numbers of unemployment every person to push his career forward. That way it is impossible revalue importance English. Its knowledge can get your dream job in even any international company, earn more money and use your computer more effectively, (because most computer programs in English)
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