The abbot then calls on the devotees to attain a happy state through Sila; prosper through Sila; and find peace through Sila. Therefore, to keep Sila ever pure. They respond with "yes, indeed" before prostrating three times.
At this point, there is an intermission which is either long or short depending on whether all the Monks have had breakfast. The chanting lasts for 20-30 minutes and is conducted in the Pali Language or Thai so that everyone can understand. People join their palms in a "Wai" throughout the proceedings.
The sacred white cord called "Sai Sin" is draped across the right hand of the Buddha image. The abbot passes the reel of "Sai Sin" to the nearest Monk and from there it passes from hand to hand until all the Monks are holding the white thread. The abbot consecrates the clean water in the alms-bowl by lighting a candle and fixing it across the rim until the melted wax drips into the water. The holy water is known as "Naam Mon"
The head of each family gently pours the holy water from a container into a flat dish whilst being mindful to (a) pay respect to their ancestors and (b) share or