This study aimed to determine the effects of exogenous application of salicylic acid (SA) on
the toxic effects of salt in relation to ethylene and polyamine (PA) synthesis, and to correlate
these traits with the expression of genes involved in ethylene and PA metabolism in two
tomato species differing in their sensitivity to salt stress: Solanum lycopersicum cv Ailsa
Craig, the genetic background of functional lines studied in the European project Rootopower
(UE Contract #289365), and its wild salt-resistant relative S. chilense. In S. chilense,
treatment with 125 mM NaCl improved plant biomass, increased production of ethylene due
to upregulation of genes coding for 1-Aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) synthase
and ACC oxidase activity, and increased endogenous SA and spermine concentrations.
However, salinity decreased plant growth, endogenous SA and did not change the ethylene
production and spermine concentration in S. lycopersicum cv Ailsa Craig. Exogenous
application of salicylic acid at 0.01 mM into the hydroponic solution enhanced salt stress
resistance of plants with an increase of dry weight an increase of putrescine content and a
slight reduction of ethylene production for S. lycopersicum cv Ailsa Craig exposed to salt
stress. Nevertheless, an increase of biomass was not observed for S. chilense plants treated
with salt and salicylic acid compared to salt alone, but this treatment decreased ethylene
production and putrescine in S. chilense. We conclude that salt affects more negatively S.
lycopersicum cv Ailsa Craig than S. chilense. Exogenous application of SA alleviates salt
stress in tomato by interfering with ethylene and polyamine metabolism, thus promoting
growth, delaying leaf senescence and contributing to ionic homeostasis, especially in the saltsensitive
glycophytic species