communication abilities open up many unexplored areas of
development, especially research pertaining to large scale
sensor networks. Smartphone platforms and architectures allow
new features to be combined with existing applications
quickly. Many smartphone platforms provide methods to use
existing applications or features of the device as part of the
currently running application. This design allows rapid
development, similar to web services, but with local, rather
than remote, services. A problem to consider is when a user try
to use the data from sensors this information is given with none
of details on measurements. In particular the use of
measurement meaning is wrong, the measurement is a much
discussed topic in the last decade. There is a standard that
people have to consider if a measure of something has to be
presented [2].The result of a measurement, although correct for
any systematic identified effects, however, is only true value
estimation because of the uncertainty originated from the
unknown or not considered random and systematic effects. The
results of a measurement of a test report is therefore not
complete unless it includes the expression of uncertainty which
clouds the measuring [1]. The uncertainty is the parameter
associated with the result of a measurement, which
characterizes the dispersion of values reasonably attributable to
the result. In particular, each of the input estimates Xi must
necessarily be associated with an uncertainty of input, along
with others, contributes to the uncertainty of the estimate of the
value to be measured, or combined uncertainty.