I began to suspect it already on Sunday, and onMonday, it
[pain] was a bit worse, but unconsciously when it disappears you do not think about it. And especially when you
have asthma at the same time, then it is difficult. Is it the
pulmonary tip up in the chest that hurts when I inhale cold
air? It was colder than usual when I walked, so you become
a bit pensive. Thenwhen it eases, you think, it is the chest or
the lungs instead of the heart. (i6)
I began to suspect it already on Sunday, and onMonday, it[pain] was a bit worse, but unconsciously when it disappears you do not think about it. And especially when youhave asthma at the same time, then it is difficult. Is it thepulmonary tip up in the chest that hurts when I inhale coldair? It was colder than usual when I walked, so you becomea bit pensive. Thenwhen it eases, you think, it is the chest orthe lungs instead of the heart. (i6)
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