Obstacles ***
This may be a somewhat difficult day, full of frustration and irritating occurrences. Do not plan to launch any daring or risky activity, because the chances are that you will not succeed. Your energies do not have the necessary vigor or power. It is better to concentrate upon routine activities that require you to follow a well-established pattern. Other people may seem unusually irritating to you today. They may seem to be trying to "get your goat," or worse, to be taking actions that are quite destructive to you and your interests. You feel angry, but this influence does not often give you the opportunity to express your anger. You may be forced to seethe in silence, although it is not a good idea to let the energy just sit inside you. It can become physically destructive.
Obstacles ***This may be a somewhat difficult day, full of frustration and irritating occurrences. Do not plan to launch any daring or risky activity, because the chances are that you will not succeed. Your energies do not have the necessary vigor or power. It is better to concentrate upon routine activities that require you to follow a well-established pattern. Other people may seem unusually irritating to you today. They may seem to be trying to "get your goat," or worse, to be taking actions that are quite destructive to you and your interests. You feel angry, but this influence does not often give you the opportunity to express your anger. You may be forced to seethe in silence, although it is not a good idea to let the energy just sit inside you. It can become physically destructive.
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