Since the resting energy expenditure is the largest component of the Total energy Expenditure and
different methods and equations have been used to estimate
the resting energy expenditure in current years, we included resting energy expenditure estimations in the
same subjects as a reference. We found that the gas exchange analysis, Harris-Benedict
equation and Cunningham equation used by
bioimpedance assessment (BIA) all yielded similar resting energy expenditure
estimates in middle-aged women and men. However, in young
women, the Cunningham equation (BIA) gave significantly
lower resting energy expenditure estimates than both gas exchange analysis ( p ¼ 0.006) and the
HarriseBenedict equation ( p ¼ 0.011)(Table 2). The mean
difference between the gas exchange analysis and Cunningham equation (BIA)
was 1.4 kcal/day, and the correlation was r2 ¼ 0.64
( p < 0.001, Fig. 1B).