I already have given you feedback on all your chapters, I would say that your research is from satisfactory to good. Your literature review is however unsatisfactory. I still have concerns about you following with rigour my comments, kindly review again my emails. I want to make the following major comments on your draft:
a) Your abstract needs more rigour, the first paragraph shall capture the reader attention, however, the abstract is dull and do not mention your main contributions. Please read on how to write an appropriate abstract.
b) The writing style and English writing is unclear even on the first paragraph of chapter 1. You might want to find the help of a native speaker to proof read your drafts.
c) The research aim (chapter 1)needs to be much more concise and you need to explain more the remaining chapters (at the end of CH. 1).
d) The literature review is too descriptive which is not good at your level of studies. I advise to link more all your paragraphs with your own research. Kindly provide more guidance to the reader (order and logical structure); explain the relevance for your research of what you are writing or summarising; provide more evaluation (what are you going to do with the findings/analysis/approaches from previous literature)
e) The chapter 3 has the same problem, the difference is that you tend to summarise now your book on research methods. Chapter 3 however is much better than Chapter 2. You need to briefly explain the relevant notion (research methods); and then, select carefully your research methods; explain why the selected methods are relevant for your research. I would advise you to show your survey directly on chapter 3 (English version).
f) Chapter 4 is ok, but you spend too many pages on descriptive statistics, so please be more concise on descriptive statistics. The central aspects of this chapter are reliability, validity; and most importantly regression analysis and tests. The figures look ok, but be more careful with very small fonts sizes and overall format of your chapter 4.
g) Kindly combine chapter 4 and 5, please provide very good summary of your findings and analysis at the end of your chapter 4. You can use bullet points to highlight the most important of your research.
h) Conclusions chapter is perhaps the most important for readers, please refine the format, explain thoroughly the main sections of your research, especially contributions, main findings. This chapter is good, but in my view you shall consider a more extensive explanation of your findings, contributions, and analysis.
Kindly book a meeting if you require further feedback on the comments above.