Part II: The results of the students' attitudes towards classroom atmosphere
The attitude inventory was divided into five parts: the activities, the teacher's behavior, the classroom interaction, the music used, and the students' view towards themselves as writers. Figures 3 to 8 shows the results of each part of the attitude inventory.
Figure 3: The mean scores of the students' attitudes towards the teacher's behavior
after being taught English creative writing through the Melodic Approach.
This graphic reveals that almost half of the class (46.66%) had a very positive attitude and almost two fifth of the students (39.16%) had a positive attitude towards the teachers' behavior. Only a few students had an average attitude and 0.83 of the class had a negative attitude towards the teacher's behaviors in English creative writing class.
Figure 4: The mean scores of the students' attitudes towards classroom interaction.
This graphic shows that almost two fifth of the class (37.77%) had a positive attitude and 29.6% had a very positive attitude towards classroom interaction. Only1.48% and 0.74 of the target group felt very negative and negative respectively.
Figure 5: The mean scores of the students' attitudes towards the music used.
The graphic shows that three fifth of the students (60%) had a very positive attitude and 26.6% of the target group had a positive attitude towards the music used. Only 13.3% of them had an average attitude towards the music used.
Figure 6: The mean scores of the students' view towards themselves as writers.
This graphic reveals that almost two fifth of the students (38.33%) had a very positive view and almost another two fifth (36.66%) had a positive view of themselves as writers. Less than one-fifth (18.33) had an average attitude. Only a few had a negative attitude (5.0% and 1.66% of the target group had a negative and very negative attitudes respectively).
Figure 7: The mean scores of the students' attitude towards classroom atmosphere
In conclusion, almost half of the students (43.66%) had very positive attitudes and almost two fifth of the students (37.35%) had positive attitudes towards classroom atmosphere after being taught English creative writing through the Melodic Approach. Less than one fifth had an average attitude. Only 1.46% and 0.62% of the students felt negative and very negative towards the classroom atmosphere respectively.